Peaden Bridge to Cotton Bridge, 5.5 miles, 1:50 paddling time, 70-78 degrees
When we are woke, we noticed that the lake was completely covered by fog. I walked down to take some pictures in the fog, actually hung around for quite a while as it was quite thick.

Then, a beautiful, relaxing paddle awaited us. We thought it would be longer, but it only turned out to be 5 1/2 miles. The entry point at Peden Bridge was a little bit steep, but I stood at the top and lowered the kayaks while Scotty got it from the bottom. Actually quite easy. The river was extremely clear, even if it was the brown resin water. There were many trees down, most likely from the last hurricane, but the great thing was that someone had already been through and cut. The logs were made paths through them. We didn’t see any fish along the river. We saw six ducks ahead of us and every time we would be close they would start quacking and flying and going crazy. The river twisted back-and-forth, but it was never difficult. Once we realized that we would be finished earlier than expected, we decided not to eat our lunch Going to go out afterwards for an early dinner. Instead, we went to a late lunch at the gator CafĂ©. I had an excellent grilled chicken salad and Scotty had a fried flounder sandwich. We both enjoyed our meals, but the true highlight were the most that we ordered afterwards. Oh my gosh, were they excellent. We both left with full tummies. Definitely worth it.