2:27 minutes paddling time, 3:45 minute total,
With Bowling Green Paddling Group - about 35 people (Patsy, Jerry,……)
11:00 until 3:00
There was a large group on this meet-up, and the Caney Fork River was absolutely packed. It's unbelievable how many people are dropped off by the outfitters and they just keep getting dropped off. I have to say, I don't like it much when it is this crowded.
The only thing that I really enjoy about this river is that it's more unusual than most rivers here in Tennessee. It's a winding river, although you don't notice that as you're paddling (until later when you see the map). Also, the water is 52 degrees so it's fun paddling on a chilly river on a hot, hot day. And lots of times, you'll see fog over this river. Today we didn't see any fog. It was a bit overcast all day until the end of the paddle when it started to rain really big drops for about 15 minutes, then stopped.
It was an enjoyable paddle as there were many people from the group to talk with. This group likes to bring their water guns and thankfully I escaped any water blasts - that water is just too cold!

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