Spring is Here - Red River 3/17/19 11.3 miles 1406.1 total
2:45 minutes moving time, Average Speed 4.1mph, Max Speed 9.6 mph
Temperature in morning about 35 degrees, but rose to almost 60 degrees
The skies are blue! The skies are blue! We loaded up our kayaks and headed over to the Red River. We put in at Porters Chapel TWRA Access and took out at Red River Canoe. The river level was higher than usual at 8 feet so the water was moving quickly. At the put-in and the take-out, there was mud covering the ramps pretty far up. And as we paddled, we saw lots of branches and debris stuck up in the trees. At one point, there was a child's plastic, red car dangling above the river from a branch. It always saddens me to see so much trash lining the banks of this river, and sadly, as the season continues, the trash increases.
We've never noticed so many cave openings before. With the foliage down, we had a better viewing. |
Heron Rookery |
We saw the most turtles today EVER on this river. |
This tree is blocking the passage by the big gravel bar where we typically stop for lunch. Because the river was so high today, we could go around the gravel bar, but once the water drops, this will be the only path. Uhoh! |
Entrance to Bell Witch Cave |
No words. |
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