Kayaking- Eleven Point River 8.6 miles
4.0 mph avg moving, 9mph max speed, 2:09 moving time, 3:56 elapsed time
We got to Round Spring Campground at 8 o’clock and then carpooled over to the outfitter. The outfitter loaded up the boats fairly quickly and we were off to the river and in the water by 11:20. The put in was spectacular today as there was fog on the river and we hung out taking some photos before paddling off. This is another beautiful river with beautiful clear water, although it did seem deeper than Jack’s Fork River. After about 4 miles we finally found a gravel bar where we had lunch. From the put in to lunch we were averaging about 5 mph. This beautiful river turned out to be deceptively tricky as many kayakers today flipped. At one point I had a choice to go right of a tree or right through the tree.Scotty thought he heard me call his voice in a panic, but I was actually yelling "Scotty, watch this!" (haha). And into the tree I paddled facing three obstacles (through 2 branch openings and over a log) and making it out to the other side. Joshua said he was impressed. I did not see it but apparently one of the women from Florida also tipped her boat and was floating down the river holding onto her paddle face up. The other 'concerned' kayakers were yelling at her to look up at the eagle as she was trying to survive without a kayak. Another time Susan decided to go under some branches and one of her dogs jumped off and Susan flipped her kayak. Fortunately there were some locals in a boat who came up to rescue her boat while she rounded up her dogs. Christina flipped her kayak on her second go round over the falls and although she was not hurt, she did lose her phone. The falls is a slight drop off maybe 3 feet towards the end of the river and it really is a fun little section, but very difficult to go back for a second round. Also on this river is Bose Springs. You paddle up a short inlet and there is a wall where an old mill used to be. We parked our boats and walked up the trail to where the springs originated where there was a beautiful blue water spring We paddled 8.8 miles today, but it seems to me that today was the most adventurous day of all and give us all something to laugh about.