Yellow Creek 6.4 miles 1216.4 total
High 50's, 2 hours 45 minutes
Average Speed 2.4 mph
It's the first warm Saturday of the year and so we didn't want to waste it. We went to the Cumberland River and saw that the river was the absolute highest we had ever seen it. There was a good flow to the river and no swells (as it often has). We quickly got across the river as we went with the current over to Yellow Creek. Again, the height of the river was very noticeable as the bridge that we go under was MUCH closer to our heads. We went past the boat landing and then veered off left knowing that there was a smaller creek, but we had never been able to get to it. The water absolutely surrounded us. With all of the rain, Yellow Creek had overflowed, the smaller creek had overflowed and we realized that we were paddling over fields and into forests. At one point, we paddled under some heron nests, possibly about 8? Later we disturbed 2 geese who had to absolutely be the loudest geese we had ever heard. Maybe they didn't like us paddling through their water haven. We paddled past a house with a pretty field of daffodils. The house was sitting on a creek and we were able to paddle up the creek until we got to a road and the current was pretty strong there so we decided to turn around there. We're pretty sure that there would be very few days that a person could paddle with a kayak up this small stream, but today the water depth varied from 1 to 4 feet. Such a fun paddle today as we know this may not happen again.
This route cracks me up - look how we paddled over fields and through creeks! |
Through the trees. |
I hate seeing the trash. |
Kayaking through somebody's yard. |
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