
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Thacher Island - Clean Up

 I was washing a few clothes in the sink when Scotty called me to come down to the beach because he had found something. I went and discovered that he had found a beautiful ocean kayak and we pulled it up onto the trail. We found some serial numbers, but no identification. Peg called it into the Coast Guard in the harbormaster and they immediately started to search for a person in the water. They searched for several hours before calling it off. During this time the four of us, Combed the South Beach for debris that had washed up onto the rocks. It was a warm day and it’s not easy climbing down onto the rocks as there are small steep cliffs here covered in rocks. We hauled up a lot of stuff to include Buoys,  ropes,  lobster traps and plastic bottles. We loaded up the tractor cart and drove it down to the boat house junk pile. By the time we were done we were all quite tired and retreated to the house for lunch. After lunch Scotty and I decided to try out this beautiful ocean kayak. Scotty had plans to kayak around the island until he discovered he could not fit into it. I was able to fit into it because my legs are shorter and fit into the cockpit. I kayaked out past the Island moorings and then towards the north tower. To me it was not a comfortable boat and I really didn’t want to kayak out in the ocean by myself so it was a short paddle. Because we were already in our bathing suits we thought we try to get into the water and walked down towards the Southern side of the island. Once again we climbed on the rocks, but when we got into the water we realized it was too cold for us. We had dinner again with Dave and Peg and this time Dave had made schnitzel, and potato salad and I made a salad. Another productive day and we went to bed very tired.

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